It's Alright.
Well, this is my chance to give my own two cents. People die. It's a fact of life. How do you deal with it? (I'm talking to YOU, Mr. and Mrs. Stickler Anti-Free Speech CNN Propaganda Artist) Do you shut you feelings deep inside? Do you turn and hide from the horror of WTC and pretend it never happened? If you lost a loved one, Do you hide from that as well? If you do, IT'S NOT HEALTHY. The best way to handle something is by facing it, for fuck's sake. Now - This game has absolutely NOTHING to do with the WTC. It is a commentary on the mid-east conflict from an individual who himself admits knows nothing about it. So take it with a grain of salt people, and swallow this fucker down, because if you are not strong enough to deal with it then you're just another lamb in the pen. And I'm eating a nice mutton right now.