View Profile NavyOtTER

6 Game Reviews

1 w/ Responses

Very cool

I LOVE the fast paced action. The one way I can see this evolving... expand the battle area. Make it huge, with obstacles and all sorts of nooks and crannies to chill out in.

I love the addition of the helicopter!

Also... please cut the sound for those flashing arrows. It makes me want to shave my pubic hairs with a cheese grater.

not bad, fun

cool, but when you hit it, the tween should ease the other way - it looks weird as it is

It's Alright.

Well, this is my chance to give my own two cents. People die. It's a fact of life. How do you deal with it? (I'm talking to YOU, Mr. and Mrs. Stickler Anti-Free Speech CNN Propaganda Artist) Do you shut you feelings deep inside? Do you turn and hide from the horror of WTC and pretend it never happened? If you lost a loved one, Do you hide from that as well? If you do, IT'S NOT HEALTHY. The best way to handle something is by facing it, for fuck's sake. Now - This game has absolutely NOTHING to do with the WTC. It is a commentary on the mid-east conflict from an individual who himself admits knows nothing about it. So take it with a grain of salt people, and swallow this fucker down, because if you are not strong enough to deal with it then you're just another lamb in the pen. And I'm eating a nice mutton right now.

I'm hooked

It's true! I'm jumpin from plane to plane like a crazy little japanese fucker!! And oh shit, does it get fast or what! Well It's too bad my 140,000 score was erased but I made it to thge top again...heheheh Great work, my man...

RobSuperSonic responds:

Hello NavyOtTER
I saw your crazy score, god damn - Are you out of your mind?
Anyway , enjoy the game, sorry about the hiscore reset , still, you are my personal hero (damn high score mate!) , keep on voting ! , I hope that this game will soon enter the top50 of all times :)



Man, cool job.

Really solid Game engine. I love that alone....kickin the AOL guy's ass was was only half the fun. I'd love to collaborate with you sometime and throw some rpg battles together.... Email me if you like.

Sweeet Idea

I love the basic idea... Really fun. If you could actually mix the tracks, it would be cool. And maybe alternate endings or some shit. But the animation was tight, even though I hate the ol' photoshop style.

Van rocks, And I love it when you dance for me, Tom

Chris Nielsen @NavyOtTER

Age 43, Male


Emily Carr

Vancouver, BC

Joined on 1/8/01

Exp Points:
540 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.98 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus: